Test de Animación de un Océano Realista en Cinema 4D r13. Utilizando el material de oceano de Blender y bakeando la textura para importarla en cinema con un modificador de desplazamiento. Despues utilizo la etiqueta limitado para animar el barco de una forma dinámica y la herramienta cloth para las velas render en ar3.
I used the ocean modifier in blender (based on the "Houdini Ocean Toolkit" code) it generates the foam and displacement texture. I baked the displacement texture to exr 32 bits and the foam to texture. finally I did import to cinema 4d and apply it to displacement modifier. I did use the limiter constraint for get a dinamic link for the boat´s position at the sea and the cloth tool for the Ship sails.
All the animation depends of the deformation´s texture nothing is hand animated.
Sorry for my English :D
Download complete Scene (C4dr13) works fine for R14 you´ll need relink all the tags and change the Sky settings. Why I don´t know?
Under Creative Commmons 3.0